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以甜荞品种‘北早生’和‘赤甜荞1号’为材料,利用多效唑(PP_(333))和6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)在不同幼苗时期进行叶片喷施处理,并采用扫描电镜观察花芽分化过程,记录开花时间,调查开花和结实数,通过液质联用方法检测3种内源激素生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA_3)、脱落酸(ABA)及人工合成细胞分裂素(6-BA)含量,探究两种植物生长调节剂对甜荞的花芽分化及内源激素含量的影响,为甜荞花期调控提供依据。结果显示:(1)第二片真叶期喷施100mg·L~(-1)PP_(333)和150mg·L~(-1)6-BA能显著提高甜荞结实率和单株产量,两种处理的结实率分别较对照提高49.5%、39.4%,单株产量分别提高41.8%、23.0%。(2)观察甜荞花芽分化过程并将其划分5个时期,分别为生长锥分化前期、生长锥分化期、小花原基分化期、雌雄蕊分化期和雌雄蕊形成期,在第二片真叶期喷施PP_(333)和6-BA均加快了甜荞花芽分化进程,使其开花时间提前。(3)喷施PP_(333)在幼苗期和现蕾期降低了内源IAA、6-BA含量,增加GA_3、ABA含量,而在盛花期增加内源IAA、6-BA含量,降低ABA、GA_3含量;喷施6-BA在幼苗期和现蕾期增加了内源GA_3、IAA含量,在盛花期降低了内源GA_3、IAA含量,3个时期均降低了内源ABA含量,增加了6-BA含量。研究发现,第二片真叶期是调控甜荞小花发育的关键时期,在此时叶面喷施100mg·L~(-1)PP_(333)和150mg·L~(-1)6-BA的调控效果最佳,可加快甜荞花芽分化进程,使开花时间提前,增加单株结实粒数,提高甜荞品种的结实率和单株产量;PP_(333)主要是通过减少甜荞开花数,增强弱势小花活力来提高结实粒数,而6-BA主要是利用增加开花数,提高有效可孕小花数来增加结实粒数。  相似文献   
由开花受精花(chasmogamous, CH)和闭花受精花(cleistogamous, CL)构成的二态混合交配系统植物有着特殊的繁殖策略, 对其进行深入研究有助于理解植物交配系统的维持机制、进化趋势以及植物对环境变化的应对策略。本文综述了国内外关于CH-CL系统两型花研究的文献资料, 包括非生物因素和生物因素对该繁育系统两型花的生长、发育及相对比例的影响, 两型花的维持机制及进化意义, 阐明了CH-CL系统的研究现状及科学问题, 重点评述了基于近年来对CH-CL系统研究成果的新认识。作者提出, 精确地检测两种花型的后代在异质生境下以及在生活史的不同阶段的适合度差异是十分必要的; 微环境(种子的散布模式及位置效应)对两型花种子萌发和子代生长发育的影响非常重要; 两型花表达的时空差异(即开花模式及对异质生境的敏感性差异)的表达机制可能与内源激素的水平变化相关; 对于多年生具CL系统植物来说, 不同性质、不同来源的后代在居群中的分布式样及对居群遗传结构的影响很可能是该系统维持的重要机制。因此, 深入研究和科学认识二态混合交配系统对认识整个植物界繁育系统的进化有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
2013-2018年间采用红外相机技术对西藏雅鲁藏布大峡谷国家级自然保护区的金猫(Catopuma temminckii)进行长期监测, 累计布设70个点位, 14,071个相机工作日。共收集金猫独立照片101张, 其中60张可识别色型, 占金猫独立照片总数的59.40%。共记录到4种不同色型的金猫个体, 拍摄频次比例为麻褐色型:红棕色型:黑色型:灰色型 = 46:7:4:3; 其中灰色型为我国野生金猫实体首次记录。不同色型的个体可同域分布, 而以雅鲁藏布大峡谷自然保护区为代表的藏东南地区是我国金猫色型变异最丰富的地区。基于红外相机照片对金猫的共性形态特征和不同色型的独特形态特征进行了详细的图文描述, 以期为该物种的深入研究提供详实的基础资料。活动节律的分析结果显示, 研究区内金猫以昼行性活动为主, 10:00-12:00为其最强的活动高峰。不同月份的日活动差异指数(daily-discrepancy index) α和昼行性指数(diurnal-nocturnal index) β均存在显著差异, 且活动强度具有明显的季节性变化, 不同季节的活动峰型存在显著差异。本研究为东喜马拉雅生物多样性热点区动物多样性本底的完善积累了基础资料, 也为后续的猫科动物色型多样性的形成机制研究提供了基础信息与参考。  相似文献   
目的 研究新疆昆仑雪菊水提物对小鼠肠道菌群的影响。方法 C57BL/6小鼠,雄性,8周龄,40只,分为4个组(每组10只):高、中、低三个剂量组和空白对照组,给药14 d,收集给药前后小鼠粪样,16S rDNA实时荧光定量PCR法测定粪样中肠杆菌、肠球菌、乳杆菌和产气荚膜梭菌水平。结果 与空白对照组比较,中剂量组小鼠肠道粪样中乳杆菌显著增多(t=-2.503,P0.05),低剂量组与高剂量组变化不显著;与空白对照组比较,其他组小鼠肠道中肠杆菌属、肠球菌属和产气荚膜梭菌水平均无显著变化。结论 参照《保健食品检验与评价技术规范—2003版》之"调节肠道菌群作用检验方法",新疆昆仑雪菊水提物对小鼠肠道菌群具有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   
Despite advances in restoration of degraded lands around the world, native plants are still underutilized. Selection of appropriate plant materials is a critical factor in determining plant establishment and persistence. To better inform decision‐making, we examined cold‐hardiness dynamics, flowering phenology, and survival among five geographically distinct sulfur‐flower buckwheat (Polygonaceae: Eriogonum umbellatum Torr.) populations in a common garden. LT50 (a measure of freezing injury) was determined every 6 weeks across a complete year; one population was also evaluated at the source. Cold‐hardiness dynamics were similar across populations, with annual fluctuations in mean LT50 exceeding 40°C. Rate of deacclimation (i.e. loss of cold tolerance) in spring varied across populations and was not related to the elevation from which a population came. Plants were less cold hardy in October 2014 compared to October 2013, likely reflecting a response to colder local conditions in 2013. Although the range of LT50 was similar for a single comparison of common garden versus wild‐grown plants, wild‐grown plants acclimated and deacclimated earlier than common garden‐grown plants. Plants derived from a low‐elevation population showed delayed flowering phenology, while high‐elevation populations showed earlier flowering phenology, with one high‐elevation population having the lowest survival rate in the common garden. These results suggest that while considerable plasticity in seasonal cold‐hardiness dynamics occur, population variability in deacclimation and flowering phenology have implications for selection and movement of sulfur‐flower buckwheat for ecological restoration.  相似文献   
Flower bud differentiation is a key component of plant blooming biology and understanding how it works is vital for flowering regulation and plant genetic breeding, increasing the number and quality of flowering. Red soil is the most widely covered soil type in the world, and it is also the most suitable soil type for crape myrtle planting. The flower buds of crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) planted in red soil were employed as experimental materials in this study, and the distinct periods of differentiation were identified using stereomicroscopy and paraffin sectioning. We optimized the steps of dehydration, transparency, embedding, sectioning and staining when employing paraffin sections. When seen under a microscope, this optimization can make the cell structure of paraffin sections obvious, the tissue structure complete, and the staining clear and natural. The flower bud differentiation process is divided into 7 periods based on anatomical observations of the external morphology and internal structure during flower bud differentiation: undifferentiated period, start of differentiation period, inflorescence differentiation period, calyx differentiation period, petal differentiation period, stamen differentiation period, and pistil differentiation period. The differentiation time is concentrated from the end of May to mid-June. Crape myrtle flower bud differentiation is a complicated process, and the specific regulatory mechanism and affecting elements need to be investigated further.  相似文献   
Symbiotic bacteria in herbivorous insects can have strong beneficial impacts on their host's survival, including conferring resistance to natural enemies such as parasitoid wasps or pathogens, while also imposing energetic costs on the host, resulting in cost‐benefit trade‐offs. Whether these trade‐offs favour the hosting of symbionts depends on the growth environment of the herbivore. Long‐term experimental grassland studies have shown that increasing plant species richness leads to an increased diversity of associated herbivores and their natural enemies. Such a change in natural enemy diversity, related to changes in plant diversity, could also drive changes in the community of symbionts hosted by the herbivorous insects. Aphids are one model system for studying symbionts in insects, and effects of host‐plant species and diversity on aphid‐symbiont interactions have been documented. Yet, we still understand little of the mechanisms underlying such effects. We review the current state of knowledge of how biodiversity can impact aphid‐symbiont communities and the underlying drivers. Then, we discuss this in the framework of sustainable agriculture, where increased plant biodiversity, in the form of wildflower strips, is used to recruit natural enemies to crop fields for their pest control services. Although aphid symbionts have the potential to reduce biological control effectiveness through conferring protection for the host insect, we discuss how increasing plant and natural enemy biodiversity can mitigate these effects and identify future research opportunities. Understanding how to promote beneficial interactions in ecological systems can help in the development of more sustainable agricultural management strategies.  相似文献   
The peanut witches'' broom (PnWB) phytoplasma causes virescence symptoms such as phyllody (leafy flower) in infected peanuts. However, the obligate nature of phytoplasma limits the study of host-pathogen interactions, and the detailed anatomy of PnWB-infected plants has yet to be reported. Here, we demonstrate that 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining can be used to track PnWB infection. The DAPI-stained phytoplasma cells were observed in phloem/internal phloem tissues, and changes in vascular bundle morphology, including increasing pith rays and thinner cell walls in the xylem, were found. We also discerned the cell types comprising PnWB in infected sieve tube members. These results suggest that the presence of PnWB in phloem tissue facilitates the transmission of phytoplasma via sap-feeding insect vectors. In addition, PnWB in sieve tube members and changes in vascular bundle morphology might strongly promote the ability of phytoplasmas to assimilate nutrients. These data will help further an understanding of the obligate life cycle and host-pathogen interactions of phytoplasma.  相似文献   
Stronger pollen limitation should increase competition among plants, leading to stronger selection on traits important for pollen receipt. The few explicit tests of this hypothesis, however, have provided conflicting support. Using the arithmetic relationship between these two quantities, we show that increased pollen limitation will automatically result in stronger selection (all else equal) although other factors can alter selection independently of pollen limitation. We then tested the hypothesis using two approaches. First, we analysed the published studies containing information on both pollen limitation and selection. Second, we explored how natural selection measured in one Ontario population of Lobelia cardinalis over 3 years and two Michigan populations in 1 year relates to pollen limitation. For the Ontario population, we also explored whether pollinator‐mediated selection is related to pollen limitation. Consistent with the hypothesis, we found an overall positive relationship between selection strength and pollen limitation both among species and within L. cardinalis. Unexpectedly, this relationship was found even for vegetative traits among species, and was not found in L. cardinalis for pollinator‐mediated selection on nearly all trait types.  相似文献   
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